摺頁#02 Fold#02
不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron
221x22x21cm. 2020
A Glimmer of Memory
"Time" is an irreversible line that connects the past, present, and future. The present becomes the past in the next moment, and the future will eventually become the present. It is like a roll of film, where each frame represents the moment the shutter was pressed. The grid of images also represents the passage of time, and we continuously advance through the stacking of these momentary images.
The transformation and stasis of force, the flow of light and shadow, and the movement of the viewer's gaze—all these elements influence the state of a sculpture within its environment. By expanding the compressed indentations and solidifying the form through the medium of stainless steel, an attempt is made to present the stasis of time. However, the mirrored stainless steel sphere reflects the characteristics of the current environment, creating a contrast between the eternal and the ephemeral within the work.

壓縮 compression
不鏽鋼、鐵 stainless steel, iron
225x76x37cm 2020

上牆 On the wall 不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron. 依場地裝置而定 Dimension variable 2020

面的間隙 Surface clearance
不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron
72x39x10cm 2020

借光 Light gap
不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron
依場地裝置而定 Dimension variable

垂直的微彎 Bidirectional bending
不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron
169x33x36cm 2020

□/ ○. 不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron. 依場地裝置而定 Dimension variable. 2020

摺頁#01 Fold#01
不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron
102x24x9cm 2020

延長 Extend. 不鏽鋼、鐵 Stainless steel, iron. 101x82x43cm. 2020

姿態# 0 Attitude# 0
不鏽鋼、灰紙板、鉛筆 Stainless steel, gray cardboard, pencil
依場地裝置而定 Dimension variable 2019